265-Synthesis, structural, molecular docking and spectroscopic studies of (E)-N'-(4-methoxybenzylidene)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazole-3-carbohydrazide
K. Karrouchi, S. A. Brandán, Y. Sert, M. El Karbane, S. Radi, M. Ferbinteanu, Y. Garcia, M. Ansar
J. Mol. Struct. 2021, 12225, 129072.
266-Synthesis, X-ray, spectroscopy, molecular docking and DFT calculations of
K. Karrouchi, S. A. Brandán, M. Hasnan, K. Bougrin, S. Radi, M. Ferbinteanu, Y. Garcia, M. Ansar
J. Mol. Struct. 2021, 1228, 129714.
267-New Bis-Pyrazole-Bis-Acetate Based Coordination Complexes: Influence of Counter-Anions and Metal Ions on the Supramolecular Structures
A. Oulmidi, S. Radi, H. N. Miras, N. N. Adarsh, Y. Garcia
Sustainability 2021, 13, 288.
268-Ultra-fast and highly efficient hybrid material removes Cu(II) from wastewater: Kinetic study and mechanism
M. El-Massaoudi, S. Radi, M. Lamsayah, S. Tighadouini, K. K. Séraphin, L. K. Kouassi, Y. Garcia
J. Cleaner Production 2021, 284, 124757.
269-Spin Crossover and cooperativity in Nanocrystalline [Fe(pyrazine)Pt(CN)4] Thin Films deposited by matrix-assisted laser evaporation
D. Maskowicz, M. Sawczak, A. C. Ghosh, K. Grochowska, R. Jendrzejewski, A. Rotaru, Y. Garcia, G. Śliwiński
Appl. Surf. Sc. 2021, 541, 14819.
270-Host–guest exchange contribution to transition temperature downshift in nanocrystalline Fe(pyrazine)[Pt(CN)4] thin films prepared by matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation
M. Sawczak, R. Jendrzejewski, D. Maskowicz, Y. Garcia, M. M. Dîrtu, V. Kumar, G. Śliwiński
J. Appl. Phys. 2021, 129, 155308.
Special collection 'Spin transition materials: Molecular and solid-state'
271-Exploring triazole-thiourea based Ligands for the Self-assembly of Photoluminescent Hg(II) Coordination Compounds
H. Benaissa, N. N. Adarsh, K. Robeyns, J. J. Zakrzewski, S. Chorazy, J. G. M. Hooper, F. Sagan, M. P. Mitoraj, M. Wolff, S. Radi, Y. Garcia
Cryst. Growth Des. 2021, 21, 3562–3581.
272-A colorimetric sensor for the highly selective, ultra-sensitive and rapid detection of volatile organic compounds and hazardous gases
L. Sun, A. Rotaru, K. Robeyns, Y. Garcia
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 8788–8798.
273-Iron(II) pillared-layer responsive Frameworks via “kagomé dual” (kgd) Supramolecular Tessellations
S. Xue, L. Wang, A. D. Naik, J. Oláh, K. Robeyns, A. Rotaru, Y. Guo, Y. Garcia
Inorg. Chem. Front. 2021, 8, 3532-3546.
274-Editor’s comments
Y. Garcia
Möss. Eff. Ref. Data J. 2021, 44(5), 117.
275-Anion Driven Light Induced Spin Crossover Systems: towards Multifunctional Coordination Compounds
V. Kumar, Y. Garcia
Möss. Eff. Ref. Data J. 2021, 44(5), 135-143.
276-Synthesis, crystal structure, DFT, α-glucosidase and α-amylase inhibition and molecular docking studies of (E)-N'-(4-chlorobenzylidene)-5-phenyl-1H-pyrazole-3-carbohydrazide
K. Karrouchi, S. Fettach, E. H. Anouar, S. Radi, B. Tüzün, H. A. Ghabbour, Y. N. Mabkhot, M. E. A. Faouzi, M. Ansar, Y. Garcia
J. Mol. Struct. 2021, 1245, 131067.
277- A Highly Efficient Environmental-Friendly Adsorbent Based on Schiff Base for Removal of Cu(II) from Aqueous Solutions: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study
S. Tighadouini, O. Roby, S. Radi, Z. Lakbaibi, R. Saddik, Y. N. Mabkhot, Z. M. Almarhoon, Y. Garcia
Molecules 2021, 26, 5164.
278-Auxiliary alkyl chain modulated spin crossover behaviour in [Fe(H2Bpz2)2(Cn-bipy)] complexes
Y. Guo, A. Rotaru, H. Müller-Bunz, G. G. Morgan, S. Zhang, S. Xue, Y. Garcia
Dalton Trans. 2021, 50, 12835-128242.
279- Subcomponent self-assembly of a Fe(II) based mononuclear complex for potential NH3 sensing applications
W. Li, L. Sun, Y. Garcia
Hyperfine Interact. 2021, 242, 7.
280-Pyrazole's substituents effect on the spin state of [Fe(bpp)2]2+ complexes
A. Oulmidi, A. Rotaru, S. Radi, Y. Garcia
Hyperfine Interact. 2021, 242, 8.
281-Synthesis and Cytotoxicity against Tumor Cells of Pincer N-heterocyclic ligands and their transition metal complexes
A. Oulmidi, S. Radi, A. Idir, A. Zyad, I. Kabach, M. Nhiri, K. Robeyns, A. Rotaru, Y. Garcia
RSC Adv. 2021, 11, 34742 - 34753.
282- 57Fe Mössbauer study of an iron(II) sensor for the detection of toxic gases at room temperature
L. Sun, A. Rotaru, Y. Garcia
Hyperfine Interact. 2021, 242, 23.
283-Spin crossover crystalline materials engineered via single-crystal-to-single-crystal transformations
S. Xue, Y. Guo, Y. Garcia
CrystEngComm 2021, 23, 7899 - 7915. Highlight
284-Thin films of nanocrystalline Fe(pz)[Pt(CN)4] deposited by resonant infrared matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation
D. Maskowicz, R. Jendrzejwski, W. Kopeć, M. Gazda, J. Karczewski, P. Niedziałkowski, A. Kleibert, C. A. F. Vaz, Y. Garcia, M. Sawczak
Materials 2021, 14, 7135.
285-Crystal structure, physicochemical, DFT, optical, keto-enol tautomerization, docking and anti-diabetic studies of new (Z)-pyrazol β-keto-enol derivative
S. Tighadouini, O. Roby, S. Mortada, Z. Lakbaibi, S. Radi, A. Al-Ali, M. E. A. Faouzi, M. Ferbinteanu, Y. Garcia, N. Al-Zaqri, A. Zarrouk, I. Warad
J. Mol. Struct. 2022, 1247, 131308.
286-Kinetics, thermodynamics, equilibrium, surface modelling and atomic absorption analysis of selective Cu(II) removal from aqueous solutions and rivers water using silica-2-(pyridin-2-ylmethoxy)ethan-1-ol hybrid material
S. Tighadouini, S. Radi, O. Roby, I. Hammoudan, R. Saddik, Y. Garcia, Z. M. Almarhoon, Y. N. Mabkhot
RSC Adv. 2022, 12, 611 - 625.
287-Coordination complexes constructed from pyrazole-acetamide and pyrazole-quinoxaline: Effect of hydrogen bonding on the self-assembly process and antibacterial activity
K. Chkirate, K. Karrouchi, H. Chakchak, J. T. Mague, S. Radi, N. N. Adarsh, W. Li, A. Talbaoui, E. M. Essassi, Y. Garcia
RSC Adv. 2022, 12, 5324 - 5339.
288-Unlocking the electrochemistry and the activation mechanism in the iron-rich Na0.6Fe1.2PO4 phase for high performance Na-ion storage
X. Liu, J. Wang, M. Du, Q. Zhu, K. Robeyns, X. Zhang, V. Kumar, J. F. Gohy, Y. Garcia, A. Vlad
Batteries & Supercaps 2022, 5, e202100390.
289-Editor’s comments
Y. Garcia, Möss. Eff. Ref. Data J. 2022, 45, 27.
290-A groundbreaking study of 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy as a tool to explore colorimetric sensors for the detection of small volatile organics and toxic gases
Li Sun, Weiyang Li, Yann Garcia
Möss. Eff. Ref. Data J. 2022, 45, 47-49.
291-Novel Family of Bis-pyrazole Coordination Complexes as Potent Antibacterial and Antifungal agents
Y. Draoui, S. Radi, A. Tanan, A. Oulmidi, H. N. Miras, R. Benabbes, S. Ouahhoudo, S. Mamri, A. Rotaru, Y Garcia
RSC Advances 2022, 12, 17755 – 17764.
292-Supramolecular FeII4L4 cage for fast ammonia sensing
W. Li, L. Sun, C. Liu, A. Rotaru, K. Robeyns, M. L. Singleton, Y. Garcia
J. Mater. Chem. C 2022, 10, 9216 - 9221.
293-A non-porous Fe(II) complex for the colorimetric detection of hazardous gases and the monitoring of meat freshness
L. Sun, A. Rotaru, Y. Garcia
J. Hazardous Mater. 2022, 437, 129364. IMCN news.
294-New Cathode Materials in the Fe-PO4-F Chemical Space for High Performance Sodium-ion Storage
X. Liu, J. Wang, M. Du, K. Robeyns, Y. Filinchuk, Q. Zhu, V. Kumar, Y. Garcia, C. Morari, G. Borodi, J. F. Gohy, A. Vlad
Advanced Science 2022, 9, 2200924.
295-Room temperature light induced spin state switching in a Fe(II) coordination polymer featuring a photo responsive anion
V. Kumar, A. Rotaru, Y. Garcia
J. Mater. Chem. C 2022, 10, 14128 - 14134.
296-A Spin Crossover Fe(II)4L6 Cage Based on Pyridyl-Hydrazone Sites
W. Li, C. Liu, J. Kfoury, J. Oláh, K. Robeyns, M. L. Singleton, S. Demeshko, F. Meyer, Y. Garcia
Chem. Commun. 2022, 58, 11653-11656.
297-The halogen effect on the magnetic behaviour of dimethylformamide solvates in [Fe(halide-salEen)2]BPh4
R. Marques, F. F. Martins, D. F. Bekiş, A. I. Vicente, L. P. Ferreira, C. S. B. Gomes, S. Barroso, V. Kumar, Y. Garcia, N. A. G. Bandeira, M. J. Calhorda, P. N. Martinho
Magnetochemistry 2022, 8, 162.
298-Spin Crossover Coordination Polymers with Pyridine-like Modification Through Selective Guest Molecules
L. Sun, M. Ndiaye, N. E. I. Belmouri, K. Robeyns, A. Rotaru, K. Boukheddaden, Y. Garcia
Cryst. Growth Des. 2022, 22, 7555–7563.
Special issue ‘Molecular Magnets and Switchable Magnetic Materials'
299-Thermal-Driven Guest-Induced Spin Crossover Behavior in 3D Fe(II) Based Porous Coordination Polymers
L. Sun, M. Ndiaye, N. E. I. Belmouri, K. Robeyns, A. Rotaru, K. Boukheddaden, Y. Garcia
Cryst. Growth Des. 2023, 23, 3402-3411.
300-Interpenetration phenomena via anion template effects in Fe(II) and Co(II) coordination networks with a bis-(1,2,4-triazole) ligand
D. N. Jordan, P. G. Straßburg, D. Woschko, L. M. Carrella, L. P. Cuignet, K. Eickmeier, R. Dronskowski, Y. Garcia, E. Rentschler, C. Janiak
Polymers 2023, 15, 3286.
301-Rapid microwave synthesis of tetrahedral pyrazole/Co(II) complex: [N-H···Cl] synthon, XRD/HSA-interactions, DFT/TD-DFT, physiochemical, antifungal, antibacterial, and POM bio-calculations
A. Titi, I. Badran, M. Dahmani, M. Messali, R. Touzani, A. Zarrouk, Y. Garcia, M. Al-Noaimi, M. Suleiman, I. Warad
J. Mol. Struct. 2023, 1293, 136297.
302-From a mononuclear FeIIL2 complex to a spin crossover FeII4L6 cage by symmetric ligand architecture modification: insights into the ammonia gas sensing mechanism
W. Li, A. Rotaru, M. Wolff, S. Demeshko, F. Meyer, Y. Garcia
J. Mater. Chem. C 2023, 11, 11175 - 11184.
303-Coordination Complexes Built from a Ditopic Triazole-Pyrazole Ligand with Anti Bacterial and Anti Fungal Performances
Y. Draoui, S. Radi, M. El Massaoudi, Y. Bahjou, S. Ouahhoud, S. Mamri, M. Ferbinteanu, R. Benabbes, M. Wolff, K. Robeyns, Y. Garcia
Molecules 2023, 28, 6801.
304-Cu(II) Pyrazolyl-benzimidazole Dinuclear Complexes with Remarkable Antioxidant Activity
K. Chkirate, G. Al Ati, K. Karrouchi, S. Fettach, H. Chakchak, J. T. Mague, S. Radi, N. N. Adarsh, M. E. A. Faouzi, E. M. Essassi, Y. Garcia
ChemBioChem 2023, 24, e202300331.
305-Single crystal structure analysis of three novel iron(II) coordination polymers with 1,3,5-tris(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)methyl)benzene
A. Limon, D. N. Jordan, T. Strothmann, L. P. Cuignet, Y. Garcia, C. Janiak
Crystals 2023, 15, 1374.
Cover story
306-New Triazole-based Coordination Complexes as Antitumor Agents against Triple Negative Breast Cancer MDA-MB-468 Cell Line
Y. Draoui, S. Radi, Y. Bahjou, A. Idir, A. El Mahdaoui, A. Zyad, H. N. Miras, M. Ferbinteanu, A. Rotaru, Y. Garcia
RSC Adv. 2023, 13, 36158 – 36167.
307-Design of Metal-Organic Assemblies via Shape Complementarity and Conformational Constraints in Dual Curvature Ligands
C. -L. Liu, E. O. Bobylev, S. Dauriac, B. Kauffmann, K. Robeyns, Y. Garcia, J. N. H. Reek, M. L. Singleton
CCS Chemistry 2023, 5, 2506-2518.
308-Incorporation of photo- and thermo-responsive N-salicylidene aniline derivatives into cobalt and zinc layered hydroxides
V. Kumar, Q. Evrard, C. Leuvrey, M. Lenertz, Y. Garcia, P. Rabu, G. Rogez
Inorg. Chem. 2023, 62, 21101–21114.
'Mössbauer Spectroscopy: Applications in Chemistry and Materials Science'
Eds. Y. Garcia, J. Wang, T. Zhang
Wiley VCH 2024, xi.
310-Developing a methodology to obtain new photoswitchable Fe(II) spin crossover complexes
V. Kumar, Y. Garcia
'Mössbauer Spectroscopy: Applications in Chemistry and Materials Science'
Eds. Y. Garcia, J. Wang, T. Zhang
Wiley VCH 2024, chapter 10, 271-289.
311-57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy as a prime tool to explore a new family of colorimetric sensors
L. Sun, W. Li, Y. Garcia
'Mössbauer Spectroscopy: Applications in Chemistry and Materials Science'
Eds. Y. Garcia, J. Wang, T. Zhang
Wiley VCH 2024, chapter 11, 291-309.
312-Spin state versatility in Fe(II)4L6 supramolecular cages with pyridyl-hydrazone ligand scaffold modulated by solvents and counter anions
W. Li, X. Li, K. Robeyns, M. Wolf, J. Kfoury, J. Oláh, R. Herchel, S. Demeshko, F. Meyer, Y. Garcia
Dalton Trans. 2024, 53, 1449-1459. Cover page.
313-Synthesis, Crystal Structures, Genotoxicity, and Antifungal and Antibacterial Studies of Ni(II) and Cd(II) Pyrazole Amide Coordination Complexes
A. El Mahdaoui, S. Radi, Y. Draoui, M. El Massaoudi, S. Ouahhoud, A. Asehraou, N. E. Bentouhami, E. Saalaoui, R. Benabbes, K. Robeyns, Y. Garcia
Molecules 2024, 29, 1186.
314-Elucidating the Iron-Based Ionic Liquid [C4Py][FeCl4]: Structural Insights and Potential for Non-Aqueous Redox Flow Batteries
C. Balischewski, B. Bhattacharyya, J. J. Bailey, S. D. Place, P. Nockmann, J. Kim, A. Wedel, S. Ghlaut, I. Bald, W. Li, Y. Garcia, E. Sperlich, C. Günter, A. Kelling, A. Taubert
Adv. Funct. Mater. 2024, 34, 2311571.
315-High Inhibition for a Co(II) Tetrazole bi-pyrazole Dinuclear Complex against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. albedinis
Y. Bahjou, S. Radi, M. El Massaoudi, Y. Draoui, N. N. Adarsh, H. N. Miras, M. Ferbinteanu, K. Robeyns, S. Ouahhoud, R. Benabbes, K. Hultzsch, M. Wolff, Y. Garcia
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2024, 27, e202400121.
316-Editor's comments
Y. Garcia
Mössb. Eff. Ref. Data J. 2024, 47, 35.
317-Design of Novel Fe(II) Colorimetric Sensors for Detection of Volatile Organic Compounds
L. Sun, Y. Garcia
Mössb. Eff. Ref. Data J. 2024, 47, 55-67.
318-The role of intermolecular interactions in [Fe(X-salEen)2]ClO4 spin crossover complexes
M. Bento, T. Gomes, F. Martins, A. Gil, L. Ferreira, S. Barroso, C. S. B. Gomes, Y. Garcia and P. Martinho
Dalton Trans. 2024, 53, 8791-8802.
319-Six-Coordinated Co(II) Single-Molecule Magnets: Synthetic Strategy, Structure, and Magnetic Properties
M. Wang, Z. Han, Y. Garcia, P. Cheng
ChemPhysChem. 2024, 25, e202400396
320-Stimuli-Responsive Spin Crossover Behavior in 3D Fe(II) Porous Coordination Polymer for Guest Molecules
L. Sun, X. Li, C. Vandenbulcke, N. E. I. Belmouri, G. Bouchez, K. Robeyns, A. Rotaru, K. Boukheddaden, Y. Garcia
Mater. Adv. 2024, 5, 8564-8574.
321-Rapid and Selective Separation of Heavy Metal Ions from Aquatic Medium using bidentate Functionalized Hybrid Material
A. Oulmidi, S. Radi, S. Tighadouini, L. Fusaro, C. Aprile, A. Rotaru, Y. Garcia
Colloids Surf. A Physicochem. Eng. Asp. 2025, 704, 135462.
322-Thermally Induced Fe(II) SCO Hybrid Complex Incorporating Para-Sulfocinnamic Acid
V. Kumar, A. C. Ghosh, Y. Draoui, M. Wang, K. Van Hecke, A. Rotaru, Y. Garcia
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2025, in press.
Special issue ‘Spin transition materials’
323-Development of Fe(II) tetranuclear cages: spin crossover and their ammonia sensing application
W. Li, Y. Garcia
Möss. Eff. Ref. Data J. 2025, in press.
324-N,N,N′,N′-tetrakis((1H-pyrazol-3-yl)methyl)-1,2-ethanediamine ligands as versatile scaffolds for second coordination sphere design
C. Pochet, T. Laurent, M. Wang, A. Rotaru, K. Robeyns, Y. Garcia, M. L. Singleton
Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2025, in press.