Our team is busy with several research area of advanced inorganic chemistry that are listed below:
Bistable molecular magnetic materials exhibiting cooperative spin transitions in view of their potential practical applications (display and data processing, smart sensors, ...).
o Design and set up of new routes for the organic synthesis of azole based molecules.
o Syntheses and structural characterization of supramolecular azole based polynuclear systems.
o Structural, magnetic and calorimetric investigation of these systems by relevant physical methods (XRD, Mössbauer, DSC, magnetometry, …).
Crystal engineering of supramolecular magnetic coordination networks
o Host guest chemistry, self-assembly processes.
o Syntheses of hybrid magnetic materials with multifunctional properties (luminescence, photochromism, ...).
Switchable coordination compounds
o Design and syntheses of new molecular switches (salicylidene anilines, diarylethene derivatives, ...).
o Investigation of their optical and magnetic properties (fluorescence, photochromism, photomagnetism).
o Syntheses of polynuclear coordination compounds including bistable molecular switches.
o Investigation of their optical and magnetic properties (fluorescence, photochromism, photomagnetism).

Investigation of magnetic molecular materials by muon spin relaxation (in collaboration with Dr. James. S. Lord ISIS, UK and Prof. Dr. Stewart. J. Campbell, ADFA, Australia) and Mössbauer spectroscopy
o Tracking of electronic spin crossover in transition metal complexes.
o Study of dynamic processes in the solid state.
In construction ...
Photo- and thermoswitchable coordination compounds
Spin crossover, molecular switches
Supramolecular coordination chemistry
Dynamic phenomena and phase transitions in the solid state
Mössbauer spectroscopy
Biomedical applications of coordination compounds
Water cleaning technologies using hybrid materials